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{{Special|Page|Name|Value|Title}} creates a plain link for [{{fullurl:Special:Page|Name=Value}} Title].
The link has in essence the same effect as

The default for the optional Title is the localized name of the Page, i.e., {{PAGENAME:{{#special:Page}}}}.  Examples:

Omitting Name=Value might apparently work, but actually this is not supported, e.g., {{Special|Mypage}} yields MyPage.

You can use [[Special:Page|{{PAGENAME:{{#special:Page}}}}]] where Name=Value is not needed.  On this Wiki the localized name of Mypage is the default MyPage (note camel case), and you can simply write [[Special:Mypage|]].  If a template is also used on Wikis with localized names the longer form with {{PAGENAME:{{#special:Page}}}} might be better.