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Template:Arithmetic functions

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Category:Arithmetic functions
Category:Number theoretic functions (REDIRECT to Category:Arithmetic functions)
Arithmetic functions
Template:Arithmetic functions
Arithmetical functions or Integer functions (both REDIRECT to Arithmetic functions)
Number theoretic functions or Number theoretical functions (both REDIRECT to Arithmetic functions)
Unary arithmetic functions
Unary arithmetic functions
Category:Primes, dividing n
Primes, dividing n
Category:Smallest prime dividing n
Smallest prime dividing n
Least prime dividing n, Smallest prime factor of n and Least prime factor of n (all REDIRECT to Smallest prime dividing n)
Category:Largest prime dividing n
Largest prime dividing n
Greatest prime dividing n, Largest prime factor of n and Greatest prime factor of n (all REDIRECT to Largest prime dividing n)
Category:Additive arithmetic functions
Additive arithmetic functions
Category:omega(n), number of distinct primes dividing n
Category:Distinct prime factors: number of (REDIRECT to Category:omega(n), number of distinct primes dividing n)
omega(n), number of distinct primes dividing n
omega(n)/Omega(n) (disambiguation page, since MediaWiki always initial capitalizes titles)
Distinct prime factors: number of and Number of distinct prime factors (both REDIRECT to omega(n), number of distinct primes dividing n)
Category:Completely additive arithmetic functions
Completely additive arithmetic functions
Category:Arithmetic logarithmic derivative
Category:Number logarithmic derivative (REDIRECT to Category:Arithmetic logarithmic derivative)
Arithmetic logarithmic derivative
Number logarithmic derivative (REDIRECT to Arithmetic logarithmic derivative)
Category:Omega(n), total number of primes dividing n
Omega(n), total number of primes dividing n
Omega(n)/omega(n) (disambiguation page, since MediaWiki always initial capitalizes titles)
Category:Multiplicative arithmetic functions
Multiplicative arithmetic functions
Category:Euler's totient function
Euler's totient function
phi(n) (REDIRECT to Euler's totient function)
Category:Möbius function
Category:Moebius function, Category:Mobius function and Category:mu(n) (all REDIRECT to Category:Möbius function)
Möbius function
Moebius function, Mobius function and mu(n) (all REDIRECT to Möbius function)
Category:Divisor function
Category:Sigma k(n), the sum of the k-th powers of the divisors of n and Category:Sigma k(n) (both REDIRECT to Category:Divisor function)
Divisor function
sigma_k(n) and Sigma k(n), the sum of the k-th powers of the divisors of n (both REDIRECT to Divisor function)
Category:Tau(n), the number of divisors of n
Tau(n), the number of divisors of n
tau(n), sigma_0(n) and Number of divisors of n (all REDIRECT to Tau(n), the number of divisors of n)
Category:Numbers with relatively many divisors
Numbers with relatively many divisors
Category:Sigma(n), the sum of divisors of n
Sigma(n), the sum of divisors of n
sigma(n), sigma_1(n) and Sum of divisors of n (all REDIRECT to Sigma(n), the sum of divisors of n)
Category:Numbers with relatively many and large divisors
Numbers with relatively many and large divisors
Category:Highly deficient numbers
Highly deficient numbers
Category:Deficient numbers
Deficient numbers
Category:Numbers, perfect
Numbers, perfect
Category:Multiperfect numbers
Multiperfect numbers
Category:3-perfect numbers
3-perfect numbers
Category:3-perfect numbers (more than 6 terms?)
3-perfect numbers (more than 6 terms?)
Category:4-perfect numbers
4-perfect numbers
Category:5-perfect numbers
5-perfect numbers
Category:6-perfect numbers
6-perfect numbers
Category:7-perfect numbers
7-perfect numbers
Category:8-perfect numbers
8-perfect numbers
Category:9-perfect numbers
9-perfect numbers
Category:10-perfect numbers
10-perfect numbers
Category:11-perfect numbers
11-perfect numbers
Category:12-perfect numbers
12-perfect numbers
Category:Abundant numbers
Abundant numbers
Category:Highly abundant numbers
Highly abundant numbers
Category:Sigma k(n), the sum of the k-th powers of the divisors of n: for k= 0,...,9
Sigma k(n), the sum of the k-th powers of the divisors of n: for k= 0,...,9
Category:Characteristic function of squarefree numbers
Category:Quadratfrei function (REDIRECT to Category:Characteristic function of squarefree numbers)
Characteristic function of squarefree numbers
Quadratfrei function (REDIRECT to Characteristic function of squarefree numbers)
Category:Completely multiplicative arithmetic functions
Completely multiplicative arithmetic functions
Category:Liouville function
Liouville function
lambda(n) (REDIRECT to Liouville function)
Category:Quotient functions
Quotient functions
Category:Difference functions
Difference functions
Category:Characteristic functions
Characteristic functions
Category:Characteristic function of prime numbers
Characteristic function of prime numbers
Category:Characteristic function of squarefree numbers
Category:Quadratfrei function (REDIRECT to Category:Characteristic function of squarefree numbers)
Characteristic function of squarefree numbers
Quadratfrei function (REDIRECT to Characteristic function of squarefree numbers)
Category:Summatory functions
Summatory functions
Category:Mertens's function
Mertens's function
M(n) (REDIRECT to Mertens's function)
Category:Mertens's conjecture
Mertens's conjecture
Category:Prime counting function
Prime counting function
Pi(x) and Π(x) (both REDIRECT to Prime counting function)
Category:Squarefree counting function
Category:Summatory quadratfrei function (REDIRECT to Category:Squarefree counting function)
Squarefree counting function
Summatory quadratfrei function (REDIRECT to Squarefree counting function)
Category:Product functions
Product functions
Category:Arithmetic derivative
Category:Number derivative (REDIRECT to Category:Arithmetic derivative)
Arithmetic derivative
Number derivative (REDIRECT to Arithmetic derivative)
Category:n-ary arithmetic functions
n-ary arithmetic functions
Greatest common divisor and Greatest common factor (both REDIRECT to GCD)
Least common multiple (REDIRECT to LCM)
Category:Binary arithmetic functions
Binary arithmetic functions
Greatest common divisor and Greatest common factor (both REDIRECT to GCD)
Least common multiple (REDIRECT to LCM)

Be very careful with the structure of the Wiki Knowledge Base Overview!

Be very careful with the structure of the templates categorized in Category:OEIS Wiki Knowledge Base Overview since they are used to build very deeply nested tables by transclusion of nested templates in a very involved way. Below, I give examples of preceding, nested and following blocks, where a block corresponds by convention to a category, for Category:Pyramidal numbers:

... here goes another block that precedes the block of [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ...
... here goes a block that precedes the block of [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ...
:{| <!-- ▼▼ [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ▼▼ --> width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; border-width: 1px; 
border-style: solid; border-color: #DCDCDC; background-color:#F9F9F9;"  
| '''[[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]]'''
| [[Pyramidal numbers]]
| [[Some other page about pyramidal numbers]]
| [[Yet one more page about pyramidal numbers]]
... here goes a block that is nested within the block of [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ...
... here goes a block that is nested within the block of [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ...
... here goes a block that is nested within the block of [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ...
... here goes a block that is nested within the block of [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ...
|} <!-- ▲▲ [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ▲▲ -->
... here goes a block that follows the block of [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ...
... here goes another block that follows the block of [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ...

Please copy and paste any category's block starting part, which contains the HTML comment with the downwards teeth, the link to the category and a link to the eventual main page for the category (as a standard convention to keep everything consistent throughout), changing "Pyramidal numbers" for what you want instead:

:{| <!-- ▼▼ [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ▼▼ --> width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; border-width: 1px; 
border-style: solid; border-color: #DCDCDC; background-color:#F9F9F9;"  
| '''[[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]]'''
| [[Pyramidal numbers]]

Then copy and paste any category's block ending part, which contains the HTML comment with the upwards teeth, changing "Pyramidal numbers" for what you want instead:

|} <!-- ▲▲ [[:Category:Pyramidal numbers]] ▲▲ -->