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OEIS 100K E-Party (Page 6)

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Welcome to the e-party to celebrate the arrival of the 100,000-th sequence A100000 !

This is also the 40-th anniversary of the birth of the database

(when I was a graduate student at Cornell in the 1960's).


Since thousands of people from all over the world

use the OEIS every day, a real party would be impossible.

So instead let's have an e-party!


Everyone who uses the OEIS is invited to join!

(The 100K party officially ended in January 2006.)

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Neil Sloane, host
Highland Park, NJ, USA
Aug 12, 2004
Welcome to the party!

This is the sixth and last party page.
Click here to go to the first page!
Or use the navigation bar at the bottom of the page.

The first versions of the new search programs were written by Alex Healy and the final versions by Russ Cox. Here they are!

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Russ Cox and Alex Healy
Cambridge, MA, USA
Jan 01, 2006
Thanks to Russ and Alex, searches now run hundreds of times faster.</p>

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Zak Seidov
Ashkelon, Israel
Jan 24, 2006

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Gottfried Helms
Kassel, Germany
Jan 30, 2006
All good wishes to OEIS
— that fruitful flower of (con)sequences!

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Jonathan Vos Post, Altadena, California, USA
World Science Fiction Convention,
Glasgow, Scotland, August 2005
(Photo copyright © David G. Hartwell, 2005)

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Christian Bower
Hawthorne, California, USA
Feb 13, 2006
May the sequencing continue!

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Luca Colucci
Milano, Italy, Feb 12, 2006
I eagerly await the arrival
of the 200000th sequence!

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Nadia Heninger
Princeton, New Jersey,
Mar 28, 2006
Best wishes to the OEIS!

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Gerald McGarvey
Kensington, MD, Mar 19, 2006
2, 4, 6, 8 — Who do we appreciate?
Neil, the editors, contributors,
and readers of the OEIS!

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Alastair Broadley
Nottingham, England
Mar 20, 2006
The OEIS has changed my life.
Long may it continue to!

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Giovanni Resta
Pisa, Italy
Apr 03, 2006
Let's bring the OEIS
to the edge of uncountability!

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John McGee
Blacksburg, VA
Apr 17, 2006
OEIS is a great contribution
to the mathematical community.

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Casey Mongoven
Hamburg, Germany
May 04, 2006
Thanks to all contributors. The OEIS has been
a source of inspiration and ideas for my music.

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Gérard Michon
Los Angeles, California, USA
Jun 25, 2006
Congratulations for reaching a new milestone,
with A123456!

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Manish Gupta
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Jul 27, 2006
Integer sequences connect the whole of science. I always mention this in
all my classes that I teach and students get excited. I think people
will remember you for this work forever! Great work!

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Tom Zaslavsky, Chris Hanusa and
Bruce Sagan
Binghamton, NY
Mar 15, 2006
To the continued growth of knowledge!

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Jose Brox
Málaga, Spain, Jul 31, 2006
Congratulations to the OEIS! If you could comprehend
one sequence per minute without eating or sleeping,
you would need 84 days to read the OEIS!

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Robert Singleton
Inglewood, California, USA
Oct 09, 2006
Best wishes to the OEIS!
Thanks for throwing this party!

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Diana Mecum
San José, California, USA, Jun 16 2007
“God made the integers, all else is the work of man”
— Leopold Kronecker, Jahresber. DMV, Vol. 2, p. 19.

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Nelma Moreira and Rogério Reis
Porto, Portugal
Nov 15, 2006
Cheers from Porto!

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From Roger Bagula
A fractal intermediate between the
Feigenbaum and Mandelbrot sets
(based on the work of Larry Riddle)

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Roger Bagula
Lakeside, California, USA
(At his brother's wedding, several years ago)
Best Wishes to the OEIS!

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Gary W. Adamson
San Diego, California, USA
Jun 22, 2007
You are a Strange Loop!

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Neil Sloane, Max Alekseyev, Mohammad Azarian, Christian Bower,
Christopher Hanusa, Doron Zeilberger, and Richard Guy,
OEIS Party, Marriott Hotel, San Diego, CA, Jan 06, 2008
(Photo taken by Susanna Cuyler)

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The same party, but these two photos were
taken by Christopher Hanusa.

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In these two photos, Christopher
is missing but Susanna can be seen.

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Felice Russo
Micron Technology Italy
Avezzano (Aq), Italy
Nov 18, 2008
Happy days for your OEIS!

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Pacha Nambi
Bellevue, WA, Nov 16, 2008
Thanks Neil for creating OEIS! Hundreds
of years from now mathematicians and
others will benefit from OEIS

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For information about the Encyclopedia see the Welcome page.

See also the list of books and papers that reference the OEIS.