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Policy concerning pages on the OEIS Wiki

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  • For historical reasons, the wiki side of the OEIS is quite separate from the database side. This shows up in several ways:
    • The wiki requires a separate login.
    • You need special permission before you can create wiki pages (this is a protection against spammers, who in 2016 used fake logins to create hundreds of advertising pages on the wiki). You need to be authorized as a "Wiki User" before you can create wiki pages.
    • The search box on the database side does not search the wiki, and the search box on the wiki does not search the database.
    • Most importantly, although contributions to the database are reviewed by the editors, there is no monitoring or automatic reviewing of wiki pages
  • As a result, there are thousands of pages on the OEIS wiki, not all of which are of high quality.
  • We have therefore established a policy that only wiki pages that have been officially "Approved" may be referenced from OEIS entries.
    • Typical wiki pages that have been approved are all the OEIS Index pages.
    • An approved page will say something like "This is the latest approved revision".
    • If the top of the page says "There are no approved revisions of this page, so it may not have been reviewed" or "This article page is a stub, please help by expanding it", then it has almost certainly not been approved and should never be referenced, from an OEIS entry or elsewhere.
    • If you have created a wiki page and wish to reference it from an OEIS entry, ask the editors to approve the wiki page first.

In practice, this policy isn't strict: sometimes the OEIS wiki pages which technically have not been approved are referenced in the OEIS, e.g., in A182937 or A225552.