%I #12 Apr 16 2024 14:03:17
%S 97930,132230,146930,191030,205730,215530,244930,259630,279230,308630,
%T 362530,411530,440930,524230,529130,583030,597730,602630,632030,
%U 646730,705530,730030,808430,891730,921130,955430,970130,1014230,1024030,1028930,1102430,1215130,1435630
%N Weird numbers (A006037) whose sum of aliquot divisors is also a weird number.
%C Terms k of A006037 such that A001065(k) is also a term of A006037.
%H Amiram Eldar, <a href="/A371950/b371950.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>
%H Wikipedia, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weird_number">Weird number</a>.
%e 97930 is a term because it is a weird number, and A001065(97930) = sigma(97930) - 97930 = 103670 is also a weird number.
%t With[{weirds = Import["https://oeis.org/a006037/b006037.txt", "Table"][[;; , 2]]}, Select[weirds, (s = DivisorSigma[1, #] - #) <= Last[weirds] && MemberQ[weirds, s] &]]
%Y Subsequence of A006037 and A125639.
%Y Cf. A000203 (sigma), A001065, A371951, A371952.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Amiram Eldar_, Apr 14 2024