Rows 1..3 have no terms.
Row 4 has one term: 399 = 3 * 7 * 19, whose arithmetic derivative (see A003415) 399' is 211 = 1 + prime(4)# [= A006862(4)].
Row 5 has two terms: 4809 = 3 * 7 * 229 and 5763 = 3 * 17 * 113, with 4809' = 5763' = 2311 = 1 + prime(5)#.
Row 6 has two terms: 63021 = 3 * 7 * 3001 and 76449 = 3 * 17 * 1499, with 63021' = 76449' = 30031 = 1 + prime(6)#.
Row 7 has one term: 1301673 = 3 * 17 * 25523, whose arithmetic derivative is 510511 = 1 + prime(7)#.
Rows 8 and 9 have no terms.
Row 10 has one term: 19204051701 = 3 * 281 * 22780607, whose arithmetic derivative is 6469693231 = 1 + prime(10)#.
Row 11 has one term: 421177029231 = 3 * 7 * 20056049011, whose arithmetic derivative is 200560490131 = 1 + prime(11)#.
Row 12 has no terms.
Row 13 has one term: 908999759928891 = 3 * 727 * 416781182911, whose arithmetic derivative is 304250263527211 = 1 + prime(13)#.
Row 14 has two terms: 39248269334566041 = 3 * 8071457 * 1620866771, and 39248273246018313 = 3 * 11056387 * 1183276033, which both have arithmetic derivative 13082761331670031 = 1 + prime(14)#.
Row 15 has no terms.
Row 16 has one term: 68437232802099093891 = 3 * 7 * 3258915847719004471, whose arithmetic derivative is 32589158477190044731 = 1 + prime(16)#.
Row 17 has at least this term: 4903038892893242229501 = 3 * 17 * 96138017507710631951, whose arithmetic derivative is 1922760350154212639071 = 1 + prime(17)#.
Antti Karttunen, Jan 22 2024