a(n) = phi(prime(n)#-1) where phi is the Euler totient function and p# is the product of all the primes from 2 to p inclusive.

%I #5 Oct 24 2023 10:09:53

%S 1,4,28,180,2308,30028,502080,9458176,215401680,6387798300,

%T 200559384576,7369724839680,304250263527208,13082668722666720,

%U 611670442764457840,32588685419205242880,1922760350056947598944,117190066177425882515040,7810108077410021826572976

%N a(n) = phi(prime(n)#-1) where phi is the Euler totient function and p# is the product of all the primes from 2 to p inclusive.

%F a(n) = A000010(A057588(n)).

%p seq(numtheory[phi](mul(ithprime(k), k=1..n)-1), n=1..30);

%o (PARI) a(n)=eulerphi(prod(k=1,n,prime(k))-1)

%Y Cf. A057588, A000010, A171989, A366759.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Sean A. Irvine_, Oct 23 2023