from itertools import count

def params(n,fmt='pairs'):
    """Convert row number n in A366766-A366768 to parameters (D,d,C).

    fmt='pairs': C is given as a list of allowed connection types (g,h).
    fmt='X-': 'X' indicates an allowed type in the corresponding position in lexicographic order among all types (g,h) applicable to the current values of D and d (1 <= g <= d, 0 <= h <= min(g,D-d)).
    fmt='X-.': List all types (g,h) for 1 <= g <= D, 0 <= h <= g; '.' indicates that the type in the corresponding position is not applicable to the current values of D and d.
    Example: params(10) returns (2, 2, [(1, 0), (2, 0)]), corresponding to polyplets (A030222).
    for D in count(1):
        for d in range(1,D+1):
            L=(d+1)*(d+2)//2-1 if 2*d<=D else (D-d+1)*(3*d-D+2)//2-1
            if m+2**L>=n:
                C0=[(g,h) for g in range(1,d+1) for h in range(min(g,D-d)+1)]
                C=[x for x,t in zip(C0,i) if t=='1']
                if fmt=='pairs':
                    return (D,d,C)
                elif fmt=='X-':
                    return ''.join('-X'[int(t)] for t in i)
                elif fmt=='X-.':
                    for g in range(1,D+1):
                        for h in range(g+1):
                            if (g,h) in C0:
                                s[j]='X' if (g,h) in C else '-'
                    return ''.join(s)

def row(D,d,C):
    """Convert parameters (D,d,C) to row number in A366766-A366768.

    C should be given as a list of allowed connection types (g,h).
    Example: row(3,2,[(1,0),(1,1)]) returns 18, corresponding to polyominoids (A075679).
    n=sum(2**((dd+1)*(dd+2)//2-1 if 2*dd<=DD else (DD-dd+1)*(3*dd-DD+2)//2-1) for DD in range(1,D+1) for dd in range(1,DD+1 if DD!=D else d))
    C0=[(g,h) for g in range(1,d+1) for h in range(min(g,D-d)+1)]
    for i,x in enumerate(C0):
        if x in C: n+=2**i
    return n+1