import numpy as np
from math import isqrt
import time

upto = 2**22  # 2**32 needs at least 32 Gb Ram

t1 = time.time()

A072103 = []
for m in range(2,isqrt(upto)+1):
    k = 2
    while m**k < upto:
        k += 1
A001597 = sorted(set(A072103)) # eliminates multiples and sorting

A362424 = np.zeros(upto+1, dtype="i4")
A001597 = [1] + A001597 # we need a "1" in front of A001597
a = 0
while A001597[a] < upto // 2:
    b = a + 1
    while b < len(A001597) and A001597[a] + A001597[b] < upto:
        A362424[A001597[a] + A001597[b]] += 1
        b += 1
    a += 1    

A365295 = np.zeros(max(A362424)+1, dtype=object)
for it in range (1, len(A362424)):
    if A365295[A362424[it]] == 0: A365295[A362424[it]] = it
n = 0
while n < len(A365295) and A365295[n] != 0: n += 1  # trimming, because of possible zeros between
A365295 = A365295[0:n]

t2 = time.time()