// Magma program to compute terms of OEIS sequence A363245.
// Program runs in about 40 seconds on Magma Online Calculator at
//  http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/calc/
// Jon E. Schoenfield, Jun 10 2023

a := []; // terms of the sequence
nMax := 36; // number of terms to compute
ssMaxStore := 46000000; // size of Boolean array for storing the
                        //  status of integers as subset sums of terms
                        //  (must be at least Sum_{n=1..nMax-1} a(n))

// Initialize Boolean array: NSS[1 + s] = true iff s is NOT a subset sum of
//  the terms found thus far. (Note on use of "1 +": array values are offset
//  by 1 so as to allow the array to include an element for s = 0; I'm told
//  that Magma does not allow arrays to have an element with index 0.)
NSS := [true : sPlus1 in [1 .. ssMaxStore + 1]];
NSS[1 + 0] := false; // the empty sum is a subset sum

sumOfTerms := 0; // sum of known terms
squarefreeProduct := 1; // product of distinct prime factors of known terms

for n in [1 .. nMax] do

   if n eq 1 then
      aTestMin := 3; // 1 = 2^0 and 2 = 2^1 are excluded
      aTestMin := a[n - 1] + 1;
   end if;

   for aTest in [aTestMin .. ssMaxStore] do

      if Gcd(aTest, squarefreeProduct) eq 1 then

         bOK := true;
         for e2 in [Ilog(2, aTest - 1) + 1 .. Ilog(2, sumOfTerms + aTest)] do
            if not NSS[1 + 2^e2 - aTest] then
               bOK := false;
            end if;
         end for;

         if bOK then

            a[n] := aTest;
            if n eq nMax then
               break n;
            end if;

            for f in Factorization(aTest) do
               squarefreeProduct *:= f[1];
            end for;

            for sPlus1 in [1 + sumOfTerms + aTest .. 1 + aTest by -1] do
               if NSS[sPlus1] then
                  if not NSS[sPlus1 - aTest] then
                     NSS[sPlus1] := false;
                  end if;
               end if;
            end for;

            sumOfTerms +:= aTest;

         end if;

      end if;

   end for;

end for;