%I #8 Mar 14 2023 14:20:47
%S 1,2,3,3,3,5,4,6,7,5,7,6,9,12,7,9,8,11,15,7,10,10,12
%N Number of cusps in Weierstrass curve with discriminant A079896(n) in moduli space M_2 of compact Riemann surfaces of genus 2.
%D McMullen, Curtis. "Billiards and Teichmüller curves." Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 60:2 (2023), 195-250. See Table C.1.
%Y Cf. A079896, A361157, A361158.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,2
%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Mar 14 2023