T(n,m) is the denominator of the resistance between two nodes located at the end of a side of length n of a rectangular electric network of n*m quadratic meshes in which all edges are replaced by one-ohm resistors, where T(n,m) is a square array read by descending antidiagonals.

%I #4 Sep 16 2022 12:27:52

%S 4,15,3,56,4,7,209,21,161,11,780,55,112,95,52,2911,72,6603,781,495,41,

%T 10864,377,15617,132,70616,91,97,40545,987,2412353,7315,352583,31529,

%U 24769,153,151316,1292,831712,413351,51480,817991,360161,7412,724

%N T(n,m) is the denominator of the resistance between two nodes located at the end of a side of length n of a rectangular electric network of n*m quadratic meshes in which all edges are replaced by one-ohm resistors, where T(n,m) is a square array read by descending antidiagonals.

%e See A357115.

%Y A357115 are the corresponding numerators.

%Y Cf. A001835, A001353 (first row of array).

%K nonn,frac,tabl

%O 1,1

%A _Hugo Pfoertner_, Sep 15 2022