The Bernoulli numbers with B(1) = 1/2 can be represented as the weighted sum of Eulerian numbers, where we use the definition as given by Graham et al., Eulerian(n, k) = A173018(n, k). For n >= 0 we have
B_(n) = (1/(n + 1)) * Sum_{k=0..n} (-1)^k * Eulerian(n, k) / binomial(n, k).
The formula was given by Worpitsky in 1883 (see link) as an example for the application of a formula of Schlömilch from 1856. In 2019 the identity was proved in the modern fashion by Gessel on MathOverflow.
For a variant of this identity see the first formula in A356546.
An analogous representation based on the Eulerian numbers of second order is given in A356547.
R. L. Graham, D. E. Knuth and O. Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics, 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994, p. 268. (Since the thirty-fourth printing, Jan. 2022, with B(1) = 1/2.)
Ira Gessel, Eulerian number identity, MathOverflow, Apr 2019.
Peter Luschny, How are the Eulerian numbers of the first-order related to the Eulerian numbers of the second-order?, MathOverflow, Feb. 2021.
Peter Luschny, Eulerian polynomials.
Oskar Schlömilch, Ueber die Bernoulli'sche Funktion und deren Gebrauch bei der Entwickelung halbconvergenter Reihen, Zeitschrift fuer Mathematik und Pysik, vol. 1 (1856), p. 193-211.
Julius Worpitsky, Studien über die Bernoullischen und Eulerschen Zahlen, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle), 94 (1883), 203-232. See page 22, first formula.
Let p_n(x) = Sum_{k=0..n} Eulerian(n, k)*k!*(n - k)! * (-x)^k. For x = 1 these polynomials give rise to the representation Bernoulli(n) = p_n(1) / (n + 1)!.
T(n, k) = [x^k] p_n(x).
T(n, k) = (-1)^k*Eulerian(n, k)*k!*(n - k)!.
T(n, k) = k! * (n-k)! * Sum_{j=0..k} (-1)^(k-j)*(k-j+1)^n*binomial(n+1, j).
The table T(n, k) of the coefficients, sorted in ascending order, starts:
[0] 1;
[1] 1, 0;
[2] 2, -1, 0;
[3] 6, -8, 2, 0;
[4] 24, -66, 44, -6, 0;
[5] 120, -624, 792, -312, 24, 0;
[6] 720, -6840, 14496, -10872, 2736, -120, 0;
[7] 5040, -86400, 285840, -347904, 171504, -28800, 720, 0;
[8] 40320, -1244880, 6181920, -11245680, 8996544, -3090960, 355680, -5040, 0;
E1 := proc(n, k) combinat:-eulerian1(n, k) end:
p := (n, x) -> add(E1(n, k)*k!*(n - k)!*(-x)^k, k = 0..n):
seq(print(seq(coeff(p(n, x), x, k), k=0..n)), n = 0..8);
seq(p(n, 1)/(n + 1)!, n = 0..14); # check the Bernoulli representation
T[n_, k_] := k! * (n-k)! * Sum[(-1)^(k-j) * (k-j+1)^n * Binomial[n+1, j], {j, 0, k}]; Table[T[n, k], {n, 0, 9}, {k, 0, n}] // TableForm
(* Diagonals: *)
d[n_, k_] := k! * (n - k)! * Sum[(-1)^(n-k-j)*(n - j - k + 1)^n * Binomial[n + 1, j], {j, 0, n - k}];
Peter Luschny, Aug 11 2022