The number of evenly tagged partitions: partitions of n elements together with an involution defined on the set of classes which has at most one fixed point, such that a class and its image have the same number of elements.
1, 1, 2, 4, 13, 41, 176, 722, 3774, 18958, 116302, 687182, 4812226, 32541874, 255274826, 1938568634, 16798483589, 141220228149, 1337121257864, 12305678519102, 126208299343263, 1260257489267963, 13901541357573146, 149520289244078172, 1763398965493327476
a(n) is also the number of subspaces of R^n given by coordinate equalities of the form x_i = x_j, x_i = -x_j and x_i = 0, that are orthogonal to the vector of all 1's.
These subspaces play an important role in the field of network dynamical systems, where they correspond to anti-synchronization. That is, they capture the phenomenon where different cells in a network show the same or opposite behavior.
Eddie Nijholt, NĂ¡ndor Sieben, and James W. Swift, Invariant Synchrony and Anti-Synchrony Subspaces of Weighted Networks, arXiv:2206.00094 [math.DS], 2022.
E.g.f.: exp(I_0(2z)/2 - 1/2 + z), where I_0 is the modified Bessel function of the first kind.
a(0) = 1, a(n+1) = a(n) + Sum_{k>=0, m>=0, k + 2m + 1 = n} (n!/(k!*m!*(n-k-m)!)*a(k).
The set {1,2} has the trivial partition consisting only of the class {1,2}, together with the involution that sends {1,2} to itself. There is also the singleton partition with classes {1} and {2}, together with the involution that maps {1} to {2} and vice versa. The other involution on the two classes {1} and {2} has two fixed points and is therefore not counted, Hence, we find a(2) = 2.
Alternatively, in R^2 we have two subspaces given by coordinate equalities of the form x_i = x_j, x_i = -x_j and x_i = 0, that are orthogonal to the vector (1,1). These are the zero-space and the subspace given by x_1 = -x_2. In R^3 we find the zero-space and the three subspaces given by x_i = -x_j, x_k = 0 for {i,j,k} = {1,2,3}. This shows that a(3) = 4.
nMax = 20; CoefficientList[ Series[Exp[BesselI[0, 2 x]/2 - 1/2 + x], {x, 0, nMax}], x] * Range[0, nMax]!
Cf. A350291.
Sequence in context: A163136 A325578 A118930 * A087214 A259239 A243107
Eddie Nijholt, Jun 23 2022