To reproduce the sequence through itself, use the following rule: if binary 1xyz is a term then so are 11xyz and 10xyz0 (except for 1 alone where 100 is not a term).
The number of terms with bit length k is equal to Fibonacci(k-1) for k > 1.
Conjecture: 2*A247648(n-1) + 1 with rewrite 1 -> 1, 01 -> 0 applied to binary expansion is the same as a(n) without trailing 0 bits in binary.
Odd terms are positive Mersenne numbers (A000225), because there is no 0 in their binary expansion. - Bernard Schott, Oct 12 2022
Robert Israel, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
a(n) = a(n-1) + A356385(n-1) for n > 1 with a(1) = 1.
Conjectured formulas: (Start)
a(n) = 2^g(n-1)*(h(n-1) + 2^A000523(h(n-1))*(2 - g(n-1))) for n > 2 with a(1) = 1, a(2) = 3 where f(n) = n - A130312(n), g(n) = [n > 2*f(n)] and where h(n) = a(f(n) + 1).
a(n) = 1 + 2^r(n-1) + Sum_{k=1..r(n-1)} (1 - g(s(n-1, k)))*2^(r(n-1) - k) for n > 1 with a(1) = 1 where r(n) = A072649(n) and where s(n, k) = f(s(n, k-1)) for n > 0, k > 1 with s(n, 1) = n.
a(A000045(n)) = 2^(n-1) - 1 for n > 1. (End)
N:= 10: # for terms <= 2^N
S:= {1};
for d from 1 to N do
for k from 0 to d/2-1 do
B:= combinat:-choose([$k+1..d-2], k);
S:= S union convert(map(proc(t) local s; 2^d - 2^k - add(2^(s), s=t) end proc, B), set);
od od:
sort(convert(S, list)); # Robert Israel, Sep 21 2023
Join[{1}, Select[Range[2, 600], IntegerExponent[#, 2] == Floor[Log2[# - 1]] - DigitCount[# - 1, 2, 1] &]] (* Amiram Eldar, Jul 16 2022 *)
(PARI) isok(k) = if (k==1, 1, (logint(k-1, 2)-hammingweight(k-1) == valuation(k, 2))); \\ Michel Marcus, Jul 16 2022
from itertools import islice, count
def A353654_gen(startvalue=1): # generator of terms >= startvalue
return filter(lambda n:(m:=(~n & n-1).bit_length()) == bin(n>>m)[2:].count('0'), count(max(startvalue, 1)))
Cf. A000045, A000120, A000523, A007814, A010056, A025480, A030109, A054429, A060142, A072649, A084471, A086784, A091892, A132665, A133512, A200650, A213911, A232559, A280514, A343152, A348366.
Cf. A356385 (first differences).
Mikhail Kurkov, Jul 15 2022