Positive integers which can be expressed as the sum of three or fewer squares, no more than two of which are greater than 1.

%I #29 Jun 28 2023 11:31:13

%S 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,25,26,27,29,30,32,33,

%T 34,35,36,37,38,40,41,42,45,46,49,50,51,52,53,54,58,59,61,62,64,65,66,

%U 68,69,72,73,74,75,80,81,82,83,85,86,89,90,91,97,98,99,100

%N Positive integers which can be expressed as the sum of three or fewer squares, no more than two of which are greater than 1.

%C These are the numbers which can be a clue in a Tasquare puzzle.

%C Tasquare also known as Tasukuea.

%H Alois P. Heinz, <a href="/A353202/b353202.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%H Cross+A, <a href="http://www.cross-plus-a.com/html/cros7tsku.htm">Tasquare rules</a>

%H Nikoli, <a href="https://www.nikoli.co.jp/en/puzzles_jp/tasukuea/">Tasukuea rules</a> [broken link]

%e A 9 clue can be satisfied in multiple ways:



%e OOO9 O

%p q:= proc(n) local i; for i to isqrt(n) do if ormap(issqr,

%p [n-i^2, n-i^2-1]) then return true fi od: false

%p end:

%p select(q, [$1..100])[]; # _Alois P. Heinz_, Apr 30 2022

%t q[n_] := Module[{i}, For[i = 1, i <= Sqrt[n], i++, If[AnyTrue[ {n-i^2, n-i^2-1}, IntegerQ@Sqrt[#]&], Return[True]]]; False];

%t Select[Range[100], q] (* _Jean-François Alcover_, Dec 28 2022, after _Alois P. Heinz_ *)

%Y Complement of A353219.

%Y Cf. A001481.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Eric Fox_, Apr 30 2022