\\ Kevin Ryde, November 2021 \\ \\ Usage: gp =0. \\ \\ The loop end condition uses the sum upper bound given in the sequence. \\ When "omitted" terms are too small to affect the integer part of the \\ scaled HAf, then the integer part and hence desired digits are certain. default(strictargs,1); default(recover,0); b = 1+2*I; \\ return z rotated if necessary to put it in the 1st or 3rd quadrant RotQ(z) = if(sign(real(z))==sign(imag(z)), z, z*I); \\ return complex z with the imaginary part sheared by doubling ShearIm(z) = z + I*imag(z); MinReIm(z) = min(abs(real(z)), abs(imag(z))); HAgrowf(z) = MinReIm(ShearIm(RotQ(z))); \\ Return a vector of the first len many decimal digits of A349009 = HAf a_vector(len) = { my(scale = 10^len, \\ to get len many decimal digits j = 0, HAf = scale * 17/25, \\ start with constant part B = scale * 2/25, \\ scale * 2/25 / b^j omitted = scale); \\ scale * 1/sqrt(5)^j while(1, j++; if(j%2==0, omitted /= 5; \\ omitted == scale/5^(j/2) || error(); if(frac(HAf) + omitted < 1, return(digits(floor(HAf))))); B /= b; HAf += 3*HAgrowf( B) + HAgrowf((4+I)*B)) ; } { my(v=a_vector(24)); print("A349009 digits"); print1(" "); for(i=1,#v, print1(v[i],", ")); print("..."); print(" = 0.",fromdigits(v),"..."); } print("end");