Number of Egyptian fractions with squared denominators: number of solutions of 1 = 1/x_1^2 + ... + 1/x_n^2 where 0 < x_1 <= ... <= x_n.

%I #10 Oct 29 2021 08:40:01

%S 1,0,0,1,0,1,1,4,7,47,186,1809,27883

%N Number of Egyptian fractions with squared denominators: number of solutions of 1 = 1/x_1^2 + ... + 1/x_n^2 where 0 < x_1 <= ... <= x_n.

%C All denominators are bounded by A348626(n), i.e., 0 < x_1 <= ... <= x_n < A348626(n). Furthermore, for a fixed n, x_i <= sqrt(n+1-i)*(A348626(i)-1).

%Y Cf. A002966.

%K nonn,hard,more

%O 1,8

%A _Max Alekseyev_, Oct 25 2021