Numbers such that the two adjacent integers are a prime and the square of another prime.
8, 10, 24, 48, 168, 360, 840, 1368, 1848, 2208, 3720, 5040, 7920, 10608, 11448, 16128, 17160, 19320, 29928, 36480, 44520, 49728, 54288, 57120, 66048, 85848, 97968, 113568, 128880, 177240, 196248, 201600, 218088, 241080, 273528, 292680, 323760, 344568, 368448, 426408, 458328, 516960, 528528, 537288, 552048, 564000, 573048, 579120
-> Equivalently, numbers k such that tau(k^2-1) = A347191(k) = 6 (see example; used for Maple code).
Proof: tau(k^2-1) = 6 <==> k^2-1 = p^5 or k^2-1 = p*q^2 with p <> q primes; but k^2-p^5 = 1 is impossible, as a consequence of the Catalan-Mihăilescu theorem; now, (k-1)*(k+1) = p*q^2 ==> (k-1 = p and k+1 = q^2) or (k-1 = q^2 and k+1 = p), because k-1 = q and k+1 = p*q is not possible, otherwise 2 = q*(p-1), which would contradict p <> q.
-> There are two possible configurations with p, q primes: (q^2 < a(n) < p) or (p < a(n) < q^2).
The unique configuration q^2 < a(n) < p is for q = 3, a(2) = 10 and p = 11.
All the other configurations, for n = 1 or n >= 3, are of the form p < a(n) < q^2 with p = A049002(n) and q = A062326(n).
-> Note that there is only one integer such that the two adjacent integers are a prime and the square of that prime: it is 3, which lies between 2 and 2^2; in this case, tau(3^2-1) = 4.
Adrian Dudek, On the Number of Divisors of n^2-1, arXiv:1507.08893 [math.NT], 2015.
For n >= 3: a(n) = A049002(n) + 1 = a(n) = A146981(n) - 1 = (A049002(n) + A146981(n))/2 = A062326(n)^2 - 1.
8 is a term since 8 lies between 7 (prime) and 9 = 3^2 (square of prime); also tau(8^2-1) = tau(63) = 6.
10 is a term since 10 lies between 9 = 3^2 (square of prime) and 11 (prime); also tau(10^2-1) = tau(99) = 6.
24 is a term since 24 lies between 23 (prime) and 25 = 5^2 (square of prime); also tau(24^2-1) = tau(575) = 6.
filter := q-> tau(q^2-1) = 6 : select(filter, [$2..580000]);
q[n_] := Module[{e1 = FactorInteger[n - 1][[;; , 2]], e2 = FactorInteger[n + 1][[;; , 2]]}, (e1 == {1} && e2 == {2}) || (e1 == {2} && e2 == {1})]; Select[Range[4, 600000], q] (* Amiram Eldar, Sep 23 2021 *)
(PARI) isok(m) = my(pa, pb); (isprimepower(m-1, &pa)*isprimepower(m+1, &pb) == 2) && (pa != pb); \\ Michel Marcus, Sep 23 2021
(PARI) upto(n) = { my(res = List()); forprime(i = 3, sqrtint(n-1), if(isprime(i^2 - 2), listput(res, i^2-1); ); if(isprime(i^2 + 2), listput(res, i^2 + 1); ) ); res } \\ David A. Corneth, Sep 23 2021
Subsequence of A163492 (between prime and a perfect square).
Sequence in context: A088034 A182405 A182366 * A271313 A161959 A236751
Bernard Schott, Sep 23 2021