%I #8 May 20 2021 23:03:22
%S 2,3,5,7,12,23,29,13,127,6,8,31,9,211,17,10,14,37,15,16,223,18,20,21,
%T 47,22,24,25,26,43,67,27,53,28,30,227,229,73,32,33,233,34,239,35,36,
%U 71,241,251,257,38,263,59,269,39,40,83,42,79,271,97,151,103,277,44,113,45,281,283,107,293,421,46,137
%N Lexicographically earliest sequence S of distinct positive terms such that the n-th prime digit of S is present in the n-th prime term of S.
%e The 8th prime digit of S is 2 (from 29) and this 2 is present in the 8th prime of S (which is 127).
%Y Cf. A247143.
%K base,nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Eric Angelini_ and _Carole Dubois_, May 19 2021