Conjecture: a(n) is the greatest power of a prime different from 11 that divides n.
Dario T. de Castro, P-adic Order of Positive Integers via Binomial Coefficients, INTEGERS, Electronic J. of Combinatorial Number Theory, Vol. 22, Paper A61, 2022.
For n = 12, a(12) = 4. To understand this result, consider the largest set S_11, which is the S_11(k0=12, 12). According to the definition, S_11(n, n) is the set of elements of the form (1/n)*binomial(n, k), where k goes from 1 to n, skipping the multiples of 11. The elements of S_11(12, 12) are {1, 11/2, 55/3, 165/4, 66, 77, 66, 165/4, 55/3, 11/2, 0, 1/12}, where the zero was inserted pedagogically to identify the skipped term, i.e., when k is divisible by 11. At this point we verify which of the nested subsets {1}, {1, 11/2}, {1, 11/2, 55/3}, {1, 11/2, 55/3, 165/4}, ... will match for the first time the p-adic order's formula. If k varies from 1 to 4 (instead of 12) we see that the lowest common denominator of the set S_11(4, 12) will be 12. So, L_11(4, 12) = 12 and the equation v_11(12) = log_11(12/12) yields a True result. Then we may say that a(12) = 4 specifically because 4 was the least k0.
j = 5;
Nmax = 250;
Array[val, Nmax];
Do[val[i] = 0, {i, 1, Nmax}];
Do[flag = 0;
Do[If[(flag == 0 &&
Prime[j]^IntegerExponent[n, Prime[j]] ==
If[Divisible[k, Prime[j]], 1,
Denominator[(1/n) Binomial[n, k]]], {k, 1, k}] /.
List -> Sequence]), val[n] = k; flag = 1; , Continue], {k, 1,
n, 1}], {n, 1, Nmax}];
tabseq = Table[val[i], {i, 1, Nmax}];
(* alternate code *)
a[n_] := Module[{k = 1, v = IntegerExponent[n, 11]}, While[Log[11, n/LCM @@ Denominator[Binomial[n, Select[Range[k], ! Divisible[#, 11] &]]/n]] != v, k++]; k]; Array[a, 100] (* Amiram Eldar, Apr 23 2021 *)
(PARI) Lp(k, n, p) = {my(list = List()); for (i=1, k, if (i%p, listput(list, binomial(n, i)/n)); ); lcm(apply(denominator, Vec(list))); }
isok(k, n, v, p) = p^v == n/Lp(k, n, p);
a(n, p=11) = {my(k=1, v=valuation(n, p)); for (k=1, n, if (isok(k, n, v, p), return(k)); ); n; } \\ Michel Marcus, Apr 22 2021
Dario T. de Castro, May 31 2021