%I #43 Apr 11 2023 10:18:52
%S 1,3,44,710,1420,2130,2840,312689,10838702,6167950454,21053343141,
%T 63160029423,105266715705
%N Numbers k for which csc(k) > k.
%C a(14) > 1.129*10^12, if it exists. - _Kevin P. Thompson_, Nov 07 2021
%C a(14) exists. The numbers 428224593349304, 6134899525417045, 66627445592888887, 430010946591069243, and 2646693125139304345 all satisfy csc(k) > k and are larger than a(13). It is not yet proven whether these are a(14) - a(18) or if there are any other numbers in the sequence before or between them. - _Wolfe Padawer_, Apr 11 2023
%e csc(1) = 1.1884... so 1 is a term.
%t Select[Range[10^6], Csc[#] > # &] (* _Amiram Eldar_, Aug 21 2020 *)
%o (Python)
%o import math
%o i = 1
%o while True:
%o if 1 / math.sin(i) > i:
%o print(i)
%o i += 1
%o (PARI) isok(m) = 1/sin(m) > m; \\ _Michel Marcus_, Aug 27 2020
%Y Subsequence of A080142, A046955.
%Y Subsequence of A265735 and A325158 if you omit the first term of A337249.
%Y Cf. A092328, A337248.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,2
%A _Joseph C. Y. Wong_, Aug 21 2020
%E a(11)-a(13) from _Kevin P. Thompson_, Nov 07 2021