%I #18 Aug 16 2020 14:21:53
%S 0,549504,1578092544,12276847296,28961412480,35998381440,87012926784,
%T 118082893824,259456659840,335449175040,397315715328,579305502720,
%U 672777778176,712539265536,741360356352,863562591360,1138944651264,1264664088576,1276070713344,1300488037632
%N Numbers that have at least 4 different representations as the product of a number and of its decimal digits.
%C Subsequence of A337054. a(61) = 20150684596224 is the smallest positive number with 5 representations. Other terms with 5 representations include 242374224347136, 1461825635235840, 1761950567301120, 3194185120277760, 3415710732779520.
%H Chai Wah Wu, <a href="/A337100/b337100.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..113</a>
%e a(3) = 12276847296 = 676634*(6*7*6*6*3*4) = 773296*(7*7*3*2*9*6) = 2368219*(2*3*6*8*2*1*9) = 12179412*(1*2*1*7*9*4*1*2).
%Y Cf. A098736, A336826, A336876, A336944, A337051, A337054.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,2
%A _Chai Wah Wu_, Aug 15 2020