Triples for integer-sided triangles whose sides a < b < c are in arithmetic progression.

%I #46 May 06 2022 13:13:51

%S 2,3,4,3,4,5,3,5,7,4,5,6,4,6,8,5,6,7,4,7,10,5,7,9,6,7,8,5,8,11,6,8,10,

%T 7,8,9,5,9,13,6,9,12,7,9,11,8,9,10,6,10,14,7,10,13,8,10,12,9,10,11,6,

%U 11,16,7,11,15,8,11,14,9,11,13,10,11,12,7,12,17,8,12,16

%N Triples for integer-sided triangles whose sides a < b < c are in arithmetic progression.

%C The triples are displayed in increasing order of perimeter, and if perimeters coincide then by increasing order of the smallest side, hence, each triple (a, b, c) is in increasing order.

%C Equivalently: triples of integer-sided triangles such that b = (a+c)/2 with a < c.

%C As the perimeter of these triangles = 3*b, the triples are also displayed in increasing order of middle side.

%C When a < b < c are in arithmetic progression with b - a = c - b = x, then 1 <= x <= floor((b-1)/2), hence, there exist for each side b >= 3, floor((b-1)/2) = A004526(b) triangles whose sides a < b < c are in arithmetic progression.

%C The only right integer-sided triangles such that a < b < c are in arithmetic progression correspond to the Pythagorean triples (3k, 4k, 5k) with k > 0.

%C There do not exist triangles whose sides a < b < c and angles A < B < C are both in arithmetic progression.

%C Three geometrical properties about these triangles, even if they are not integer-sided:

%C 1) tan(A/2) * tan(C/2) = 1/3,

%C 2) r = h_b/3, where r is the inradius and h_b the length of the altitude through B,

%C 3) The line (IG) is parallel to side (AC), where I is the incenter and G is the centroid of the triangle.

%D V. Lespinard & R. Pernet, Trigonométrie, Classe de Mathématiques élémentaires, programme 1962, problème B-288 p. 120, André Desvigne.

%H Michel Marcus, <a href="/A336750/b336750.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..16650</a> (Rows 1 to 5550)

%H Wikipedia, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_triangle">Integer triangle</a>.

%F T(n,1) = A336751(n); T(n,2) = A307136(n); T(n,3) = A336753(n).

%F A336754(n) = T(n,1) + T(n,2) + T(n,3).

%e The smallest such triangle is (2, 3, 4).

%e The only triangle with perimeter = 12 corresponds to the Pythagorean triple: (3, 4, 5).

%e There exist two triangles with perimeter = 15 corresponding to triples (3, 5, 7) and (4, 5, 6).

%e There exist also two triangles with perimeter = 18 corresponding to triples (4, 6, 8) and (5, 6, 7).

%e The table begins:

%e 2, 3, 4;

%e 3, 4, 5;

%e 3, 5, 7;

%e 4, 5, 6;

%e 4, 6, 8;

%e 5, 6, 7;

%e 4, 7, 10;

%e 5, 7, 9;

%e 6, 7, 8;

%p for b from 3 to 20 do

%p for a from b-floor((b-1)/2) to b-1 do

%p c := 2*b - a;

%p print(a,b,c);

%p end do;

%p end do;

%t Block[{nn = 12, a, b, c}, Reap[Do[Do[Sow@ {a, b, 2 b - a}, {a, b - Floor[(b - 1)/2], b - 1}], {b, 3, nn}]][[-1, 1]] ] // Flatten (* _Michael De Vlieger_, Oct 15 2020 *)

%o (PARI) tabf(nn) = {for (b = 3, nn, for (a = b-floor((b-1)/2), b-1, my(c = 2*b - a); print(a, " ", b, " ", c);););} \\ _Michel Marcus_, Sep 08 2020

%Y Cf. A336751 (smallest side), A307136 (middle side), A336753 (largest side), A336754 (perimeter), A024164 (number of triangles with perimeter = n), A336755 (primitive triples), A336756 (perimeter of primitive triangles), A336757 (number of primitive triangles with perimeter = n).

%Y Cf. A004526 (number of triangles with middle side = b).

%Y Cf. A103605 (similar, with Pythagorean triples).

%Y Cf. A335893 (similar, with A, B, C in arithmetic progression).

%K nonn,tabf

%O 1,1

%A _Bernard Schott_, Aug 03 2020