Two words x, y are 5-binomial equivalent if the word binomial coefficients (x|r) and (y|r) coincide for all words r of length 5. A word binomial coefficient (x|r) gives the number of times the word r appears as a (not necessarily contiguous) subsequence of x. Observe that if (x|r) and (y|r) coincide for all words r of length 5, then (x|r') and (y|r') coincide for all words r' of length at most 5.
The integer-valued vector (x|r)_r where the index r runs through all possible binary words of length 5 is referred to as the 5-deck of x. Hence, the number of distinct 5-decks is equal to the number of equivalence classes.
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For n=16, all words are an equivalence class by themselves, with the exception of {0111100011111001, 1001111100011110} and {1000011100000110, 0110000011100001}. So there are 2^16 - 2 = 65534 equivalence classes, or, 65534 distinct 4-decks.
Han Mao Kiah, Jun 28 2020