Numbers m that generate rotationally symmetrical XOR-triangles T(m) that have central triangles of zeros.
151, 233, 543, 599, 937, 993, 1379, 1483, 1589, 1693, 2359, 2391, 3753, 3785, 8607, 9559, 10707, 11547, 13029, 13869, 15017, 15969, 22115, 22243, 23627, 23755, 25397, 25525, 26909, 27037, 33151, 34591, 35535, 36015, 37687, 38231, 39047, 40679, 57625, 59257
An XOR-triangle T(m) is an inverted 0-1 triangle formed by choosing as top row the binary rendition of n and having each entry in subsequent rows be the XOR of the two values above it, i.e., A038554(n) applied recursively until we reach a single bit.
A334556 is the sequence of rotationally symmetrical T(m) (here abbreviated RST).
A central zero-triangle (CZT) is a field of contiguous 0-bits in T(m) surrounded on all sides by a layer of 1 bits, and generally k > 1 bits of any parity. Alternatively, these might be referred to as "central bubbles".
For n = 151, we have rotationally symmetrical T(151) as below, replacing 0 with "." for clarity:
1 . . 1 . 1 1 1
1 . 1 1 1 . .
1 1 . . 1 .
. 1 . 1 1
1 1 1 .
. . 1
. 1
At the center of the figure we see a CZT with s = 2, ringed by 1s, with k = 2. Thus 151 is in the sequence.
For n = 11, we have rotationally symmetrical T(11):
1 . 1 1
1 1 .
. 1
Since there is no CZT, 11 is not in the sequence.
For n = 91, we have rotationally symmetrical T(91):
1 . 1 1 . 1 1
1 1 . 1 1 .
. 1 1 . 1
1 . 1 1
1 1 .
. 1
This XOR-triangle has many bubbles but none in the center, so 91 is not in the sequence.
Block[{s, t = Array[NestWhileList[Map[BitXor @@ # &, Partition[#, 2, 1]] &, IntegerDigits[#, 2], Length@ # > 1 &] &, 2^18]}, s = Select[Range[Length@ t], Function[{n, h}, (Reverse /@ Transpose[MapIndexed[PadRight[#, h, -1] &, t[[n]] ]] /. -1 -> Nothing) == t[[n]]] @@ {#, IntegerLength[#, 2]} &]; Array[Block[{n = s[[#]]}, If[# == 0, Nothing, n] &@ FirstCase[MapIndexed[If[2 #2 > #3 + 1, Nothing, #1[[#2 ;; -#2]]] & @@ {#1, First[#2], Length@ #1} &, NestWhileList[Map[BitXor @@ # &, Partition[#, 2, 1]] &, IntegerDigits[n, 2], Length@ # > 1 &][[1 ;; Ceiling[IntegerLength[#, 2]/(2 Sqrt[3])] + 3]] ], r_List /; FreeQ[r, 1] :> Length@ r] /. k_ /; MissingQ@ k -> 0] &, Length@ s - 1, 2] ]
(C) See Links section.
Michael De Vlieger, May 10 2020
Data corrected by Rémy Sigrist, May 15 2020