%I #19 Jun 07 2020 10:40:29
%S 230,5138,13181,29277,48107,100003,173261,256910,247940,541752,554717,
%T 869197,1051503,987045,1333241,1190131,1843049,2991447,3073340,
%U 4382249,4630456,4635744,5914142,6877208
%N The number of vertices formed on a triangle with leg lengths equal to the Pythagorean triples by the straight line segments mutually connecting all vertices and all points that divide the sides into unit length parts.
%C See A332978 for the Pythagorean triple ordering and the links for images of the triangles.
%Y Cf. A332978 (regions), A333135 (n-gons), A333137 (edges), A103605 (Pythagorean triple ordering), A092866, A332599, A007569.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,1
%A _Scott R. Shannon_ and _N. J. A. Sloane_, Mar 09 2020
%E a(8)-a(24) from _Lars Blomberg_, Jun 07 2020