%I #32 Nov 16 2020 02:21:24
%S 23,31,56,59,68,83,104,107,136,139,184,211,219,244,259,264,276,283,
%T 291,292,307,328,331,339,355,376,379,388,411,424,436,451,456,472,499,
%U 523,547,552,568,580,628,643,667,712,723,763,772,787,808,820,835,843,852,868,883
%N For imaginary fundamental discriminants -d, define b(-d) to be the smallest prime p such that Kronecker(-d,p) = 1. Sequence gives d such that b(-d)^3 > d/4 > b(-d)^2.
%C It seems that this sequence contains 810 terms, the largest being 1154008. In general, it seems that for any t > 0, b(-d) = o(d^t) as -d -> -oo.
%C For fundamental discriminants -d, we want to determine the size of b(-d), i.e., the size of the smallest prime that decomposes in Q[sqrt(-d)].
%C Let K = Q[sqrt(-d)], O_K be the ring of integers over K, so O_K is a Dedekind domain. Let E(-d) be the exponent of the ideal class group of O_K (the exponent of a group G is the smallest e > 0 such that x^e = I for all x in G, where I is the group identity).
%C If Kronecker(-d,p) = 1, it is well-known that p*O_K is the product of two distinct prime ideals of O_K, say, p*O_K = I*I'. By the property of the ideal class group of Q[sqrt(-d)], I^(k*e) must be principal, e = E(-d). Let t*O_K = I^(k*e), then t/p is not an algebraic integer, and the norm of t is p^e. Define f(x,y) = x^2 + (d/4)*y^2 if -d == 0 (mod 4), x^2 + x*y + ((d+1)/4)*y^2 otherwise, it is easy to see f(x,y) = p^(k*e) has integral solutions (x,y) such that gcd(x,y) = 1.
%C If f(x,y) = p^(k*e) < d, then |y| = 1, so 4*p^(k*e) - d must be a (positive) square. Setting k = 1 gives b(-d) > (d/4)^(1/e) (and furthermore we have: if Kronecker(-d,p) = 1 and p^(k*e) < d, then k = 1, or (p,k,e,d) = (2,2,1,7), (3,2,1,11)).
%C If E(-d) = 3, then d is in this sequence.
%C We also have the following observations (not proved):
%C (a) if e = 2 (i.e., d is in A003644\A014602 = A316743), then b(-d) < d/4;
%C (b) if e > 2, then b(-d) < sqrt(d/4) (it can be proved by using deeper algebraic number theory that b(-d) < 2*sqrt(d)/Pi).
%C If these observations are true, this sequence is also the list of d such that b(-d) > (d/4)^(1/3) and d is not in A003644.
%C Note that 5460 is conjectured to be the largest term in A003644. Therefore, it seems that b(-d) < sqrt(d/4) for all d > 5460; it seems that b(-d) < (d/4)^(1/3) for all d > 1154008.
%C Among the known terms:
%C (1) the term d with the largest E(-d) is d = 998328 with E(-d) = 66.
%C (2) the term d with the largest b(-d) is d = 656755 with b(-d) = 79.
%C (3) the largest prime is d = 90787 with E(-d) = 23.
%H Jianing Song, <a href="/A330162/b330162.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..810</a>
%e The smallest prime p such that Kronecker(-499,p) = 1 is p = 5, and 5^3 > 499/4 > 5^2, so 499 is a term.
%o (PARI) b(D)=forprime(p=2, oo, if(kronecker(D, p)>0, return(p)))
%o isA330162(d) = (d>0) && isfundamental(-d) && b(-d) > sqrtn(d/4,3) && b(-d) < sqrt(d/4)
%Y Cf. A014602, A003644, A316743, A306538.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Jianing Song_, Dec 04 2019