Numbers k such that when cyclically permuting the digits of k any number of times, any prime obtained is followed by a composite number and vice-versa.

%I #16 Sep 28 2019 22:33:13

%S 14,16,19,20,23,29,30,32,34,35,38,41,43,47,50,53,59,61,67,70,74,76,83,

%T 89,91,92,95,98,1015,1018,1070,1075,1099,1132,1136,1163,1216,1238,

%U 1274,1303,1321,1339,1361,1475,1510,1517,1535,1570,1574,1612,1630,1631,1636

%N Numbers k such that when cyclically permuting the digits of k any number of times, any prime obtained is followed by a composite number and vice-versa.

%e When cyclically permuting the digits of 961990 one gets the numbers 961990, 619909, 199096, 990961, 909619, 96199 and these numbers are composite, prime, composite, prime, composite, prime, respectively, so 961990 (and each of these cyclic permutations except 96199) is a term of the sequence.

%e A more graphical representation:

%e 961990 C

%e / \ / \

%e 096199 619909 P P

%e | | | |

%e 909619 199096 C C

%e \ / \ /

%e 990961 P

%o (PARI) eva(n) = subst(Pol(n), x, 10)

%o rot(n) = if(#Str(n)==1, v=vector(1), v=vector(#n-1)); for(i=2, #n, v[i-1]=n[i]); u=vector(#n); for(i=1, #n, u[i]=n[i]); v=concat(v, u[1]); v

%o is(n) = my(nn=#Str(n), u=[], v=vector(nn, x, x%2==0), w=vector(nn, x, x%2==1), d=digits(n), r=rot(d)); if(nn%2==1, return(0)); u=concat(u, [ispseudoprime(eva(d))]); u=concat(u, ispseudoprime(eva(r))); while(1, r=rot(r); if(r==d, if(u==v || u==w, return(1)); return(0)); u=concat(u, ispseudoprime(eva(r))))

%Y Cf. A068652, A068654, A270083.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Felix Fröhlich_, Sep 26 2019