%I #4 Jan 19 2019 23:25:07
%S 15132960,15870624,15966240,15975036,16854684,15175160,15572856,
%T 16579134,16629354,17492046,17671392,18346968,18644448,20598318,
%U 20608038,26382240,27668256,27843360,27850284,28026540,28020384,29474016,29563296,29667924,31301556,30743000,31130008,31356440,34531750,35220790
%N Five-column table read by rows: Quintuples that have the same value of phi, sigma, and tau.
%C The terms are consecutive quintuples, ordered so that (A) a(5i-4) < a(5i-3) < ... < a(5i) for i > 0, and (B) a(5i+1) < a(5i+6) for i >= 0. Primitive terms are in A322691.
%e 15132960, 15870624, 15966240, 15975036,and 16854684 have the same value of phi (3870720), sigma (55157760), and tau (192), so these five numbers are in the sequence.
%Y Cf. A134922, A322689, A322678, A322679, A322680, A322682, A322683, A322684, A322685, A322686, A322687.
%K nonn,tabf
%O 1,1
%A _Jud McCranie_, Jan 16 2019