%I #6 Jan 19 2019 04:06:28
%S 63048,67122,70818,106120,115938,122322,121352,122120,137170,133920,
%T 140448,141372,206112,207468,218892,226632,242730,254562,227304,
%U 228000,229500,247968,260832,262548,273824,290812,290852,282720,284580,298452,302560,319396,342550,315240,335610,354090
%N Three-column table read by rows: Triples that have the same value of phi, sigma, and tau.
%C The terms are consecutive triples, ordered so that (A) a(3i-2) < a(3i-1) < a(3i), and (B) a(3i-2) < a(3j-2) for i < j. Primitive triples are in A322689.
%e phi(63048) = phi(67122) = phi(70818) = 20160, sigma(63048) = sigma(67122) = sigma(70818) = 164160, tau(63048) = tau(67122) = tau(70818) = 32, so 63048, 67122, and 70818 are in the sequence.
%Y Cf. A134922, A322689, A322678, A322680, A322681, A322682, A322683, A322684, A322685, A322686, A322687.
%K nonn,tabf
%O 1,1
%A _Jud McCranie_, Jan 15 2019