Numbers n whose divisors can be partitioned into three disjoint sets whose sums are all sigma(n)/3 but no divisor of n has this property.

%I #9 Mar 26 2019 16:25:46

%S 120,180,420,504,660,672,780,1584,1848,1890,2184,2352,2376,2772,2856,

%T 3150,3192,4284,4410,4896,5100,5292,5796,6864,6900,6930,7344,7728,

%U 8190,8424,9744,10296,10710,11550,11970,12012,12870,13464,13650,13776,14490,14850,15048,15444

%N Numbers n whose divisors can be partitioned into three disjoint sets whose sums are all sigma(n)/3 but no divisor of n has this property.

%C Primitive terms in A204830. If k is in A204830 then so is k*m.

%Y Cf. A204830.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _David A. Corneth_, Feb 18 2019