%I #12 Oct 07 2018 17:59:45
%S 2,3,6,2,11,2,3,22,2,3,6,2,43,2,3,6,2,11,2,3,86,2,3,6,2,11,2,3,22,2,3,
%T 6,2,171,2,3,6,2,11,2,3,22,2,3,6,2,43,2,3,6,2,11,2,3,342,2,3,6,2,11,2,
%U 3,22,2,3,6,2,43,2,3,6,2,11,2,3,86,2,3,6,2,11,2,3,22,2,3,6,2,683,2
%N The first differences (A129761) of the tribonacci representation numbers (A003714 or A014417) consists of runs of 1's separated by the terms of the present sequence.
%C The runs of 1's in A129761 have lengths that apparently are given by the Fibonacci word A005614 (with a slight change at the start). The present sequence shows the terms greater than 1. The structure of this sequence is (partially) analyzed in the comments in A129761.
%H Rémy Sigrist, <a href="/A319432/b319432.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..25000</a>
%o (PARI) p=0; for (n=1, 2052, if (bitand(n,2*n)==0, if (n-p>1, print1 (n-p ", ")); p=n)) \\ _Rémy Sigrist_, Oct 07 2018
%Y Cf. A003714, A005614, A014417, A129761,
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Sep 30 2018