%I #21 Oct 12 2018 19:52:54
%S 1,8,5433,28925040
%N Number of tilings of the even-order sphinx with the two dominoes that form the second-order sphinx.
%C There are 46 sphinx dominoes. The order 2 sphinx is composed of two different dominoes. These two dominoes are used to tile the even-order sphinx.
%C The orientation of the order 8 sphinx in the link below is essential for the bit-vector bottom-up search to efficiently find solutions. All order 8 solutions are found in a few minutes.
%H Craig Knecht, <a href="/A318897/a318897_1.png">46 sphinx dominoes.</a>
%H Craig Knecht, <a href="/A318897/a318897.pdf">Sphinx domino introduction.</a>
%H Craig Knecht, <a href="/A318897/a318897.png">Sphinx domino tiling.</a>
%H Craig Knecht, <a href="/A318897/a318897_3.png">T12 missing one of the fundamental two dominoes.</a>
%Y Cf. A279887, A317541.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,2
%A _Craig Knecht_, Sep 05 2018