# This is the b317716.txt text file. # A317716: Square array A(n, k), read by antidiagonals downwards: k-th prime p such that cyclic digit shifts produce exactly n different primes. # Dated 06 August 2018. 1 2 2 3 3 13 4 5 5 17 6 113 7 7 8 31 9 131 10 1193 11 11 12 37 13 197 14 1931 15 11939 16 19 17 71 18 199 19 3119 20 19391 21 193939 22 23 23 73 24 311 25 3779 26 19937 27 199933 28 17773937 29 29 30 79 31 337 32 7793 33 37199 34 319993 35 39371777 36 119139133 37 41 38 97 39 373 40 7937 41 39119 42 331999 43 71777393 44 133119139 45 111133719913 46 43 47 173 48 719 49 9311 50 71993 51 391939 52 73937177 53 139133119 54 111193711319 55 111119917373 56 47 57 191 58 733 59 9377 60 91193 61 393919 62 77393717 63 191391331 64 111339799139 65 111199173731 66 111393733793 67 53 68 313 69 919 70 11393 71 93719 72 919393 73 77739371 74 311913913 75 111937113191 76 111991737311 77 113937337931 78 1117739771979737 79 59 80 317 81 971 82 11717 83 93911 84 933199 85 93717773 86 331191391 87 111971713739 88 117773739337 89 139373379311 90 1119173397777797 # This is the end of the b text file.