Positive integers that have exactly two representations of the form 1 + p1 * (1 + p2* ... * (1 + p_j)...), where [p1, ..., p_j] is a (possibly empty) list of distinct primes.

%I #5 Jul 27 2018 10:29:28

%S 25,29,37,40,41,49,51,52,67,71,77,85,87,88,89,97,103,112,115,123,125,

%T 126,127,130,137,139,145,146,148,149,155,157,161,169,175,181,183,186,

%U 191,199,202,209,214,217,222,223,229,232,235,238,239,241,243,248,249

%N Positive integers that have exactly two representations of the form 1 + p1 * (1 + p2* ... * (1 + p_j)...), where [p1, ..., p_j] is a (possibly empty) list of distinct primes.

%H Alois P. Heinz, <a href="/A317392/b317392.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..20000</a>

%F A317241(a(n)) = 2.

%p b:= proc(n, s) option remember; local p, r; if n=1 then 1 else r:=0;

%p for p in numtheory[factorset](n-1) minus s while r<3

%p do r:= r+b((n-1)/p, s union {p}) od; `if`(r<3, r, 3)

%p fi

%p end:

%p a:= proc(n) option remember; local k; for k from

%p `if`(n=1, 1, 1+a(n-1)) while b(k, {})<>2 do od; k

%p end:

%p seq(a(n), n=1..100);

%Y Column k=2 of A317390.

%Y Cf. A317241.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Alois P. Heinz_, Jul 27 2018