Hash Parker numbers: Integers whose real 32nd root's first six nonzero digits (after the decimal point) rearranged in ascending order are equal to 234477.

%I #12 Aug 28 2019 14:49:12

%S 4,1191,2340,4915,8101,8703,13937,13952,14029,14041,25111,25127,26062,

%T 26203,26324,26479,26490,27934,28077,28195,50506,50536,52216,52359,

%U 52892,55703,55957,56030,56059,56075,56178,56244,56566,56577,74747,75877,75952,75996,80752,80764,80765

%N Hash Parker numbers: Integers whose real 32nd root's first six nonzero digits (after the decimal point) rearranged in ascending order are equal to 234477.

%H Matt Parker's YouTube Video, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOgn6J12NWE">The A4 Paper Puzzle</a>

%e 4^(1/32) = 1.0442737824274138...

%e Rearranging 442737 in ascending order gives 234477.

%e 1191^(1/32) = 1.2477346... -> 247734 -> 234477;

%e 2340^(1/32) = 1.2743478... -> 274347 -> 234477.

%o (Haskell)

%o import Data.List

%o hash :: Double -> Inthash = read . sort . take 6 . filter (/='0') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/='.') . show . (** 0.03125)

%o main :: IO ()main = print $ map (floor . fst) . filter ((==234477) . snd) $ map (\x -> (x, hash x)) [2..1000000]

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Dan Dart_, Aug 25 2019