Index of n-th low point in A008348 (see Comments for definition).

%I #21 Oct 02 2019 11:58:15

%S 0,3,8,21,56,145,366,945,2506,6633,17776,48521,133106,369019,1028404,

%T 2880287,8100948,22877145,64823568,184274931,525282740,1501215193,

%U 4299836186,12340952049,35486796312,102220582465,294917666854,852123981581,2465458792768

%N Index of n-th low point in A008348 (see Comments for definition).

%C A "low point" in a sequence is a term which is less than the previous term (this condition is skipped for the initial term) and which is followed by two or more increases.

%C This concept is useful for the analysis of sequences (such as A005132, A008344, A008348, A022837, A076042, A309222, etc.) which have long runs of terms which alternately rise and fall.

%F a(n) = A135025(n-1)-1.

%p blocks := proc(a,S) local b,c,d,M,L,n;

%p # Given a list a, whose leading term has index S, return [b,c,d], where b lists the indices of the low points in a, c lists the values of a at the low points, and d lists the length of runs between the low points.

%p b:=[]; c:=[]; d:=[]; L:=1;

%p # is a[1] a low point?

%p n:=1;

%p if( (a[n+1]>a[n]) and (a[n+2]>a[n+1]) ) then

%p b:=[op(b),n+S-1]; c:=[op(c),a[n]]; d:=[op(d), n-L]; L:=n; fi;

%p for n from 2 to nops(a)-2 do

%p # is a[n] a low point?

%p if( (a[n-1]>a[n]) and (a[n+1]>a[n]) and (a[n+2]>a[n+1]) ) then

%p b:=[op(b),n+S-1]; c:=[op(c),a[n]]; d:=[op(d), n-L]; L:=n; fi; od;

%p [b,c,d]; end;

%p # Let a := [0, 2, 5, 0, 7, 18, 5, 22, 3, 26, 55, 24, ...]; be a list of the first terms in A008348

%p blocks(a,0)[1]; # the present sequence

%p blocks(a,0)[2]; # A324782

%p blocks(a,0)[3]; # A324783

%Y Cf. A005132, A008344, A008348, A022837, A076042, A135025, A309222, A324782, A324783.

%K nonn,more

%O 0,2

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Sep 01 2019

%E a(17)-a(28) from _Giovanni Resta_, Oct 02 2019

%E Modified definition to make offset 0. - _N. J. A. Sloane_, Oct 02 2019