Number of perfect matchings in the graph C_{12} X C_n.

%I #12 Feb 22 2021 10:33:58

%S 24200,7379216,41934482,4357599552,55820091938,3827188349968,

%T 69206906601800,3876306765700644,83804387156528018,

%U 4161957566985310208,100644292294423977842,4601436044608986037284,120511830300023778605000,5179981855242249681088528,144148769049390803580105218

%N Number of perfect matchings in the graph C_{12} X C_n.

%C This sequence satisfies a recurrence relation of order 266.

%H Seiichi Manyama, <a href="/A309018/b309018.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 3..500</a>

%H S. N. Perepechko, <a href="http://www.jip.ru/2016/333-361-2016.pdf">The number of perfect matchings on C_m X C_n graphs</a>, (in Russian), Information Processes, 2016, V. 16, No. 4, pp. 333-361.

%H Sergey Perepechko, <a href="/A309018/a309018.pdf">Generating function</a> in Maple notation.

%Y Row n=6 of A341741.

%Y Cf. A230033, A231485, A232804, A253678, A281583, A281679, A308761.

%K nonn

%O 3,1

%A _Sergey Perepechko_, Jul 06 2019