%I #31 Feb 12 2021 12:03:27
%S 1,11,21,1211,111221,2012211,1210112221,111211102120211,
%T 2011220110121112101221,121021221021101112201121110112211,
%U 1112111012112211101221102012210211220110212221
%N Look-and-Say sequence in base 3/2.
%C Each term has at most 1 zero, 3 ones, and 3 twos in a row.
%C The first five terms are the same as in Look-and-Say sequence in base 10: A005150.
%H B. Chen, R. Chen, J. Guo, S. Lee et al., <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1808.04304">On Base 3/2 and its sequences</a>, arXiv:1808.04304 [math.NT], 2018.
%e In base 3/2, the integer 3 is written as 20. Therefore, the next term after 111221 is 2012211: "20 ones, 2 twos, 1 one."
%Y Cf. A005150, A024629.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,2
%A _Tanya Khovanova_ and PRIMES STEP Senior group, Jun 07 2018