a(n) is the smallest nonnegative integer whose first n binary digits coincide with its first n decimal digits.

%I #21 Dec 16 2024 14:37:29

%S 0,10,110,10010,10011,110101,10011000,10011000,110100011,10010101000,

%T 10010101001,101111000101,10010001101010,10010001101010,

%U 101101111110011,1111110010100011,10001110000111111,101100111001011100,1111011010110001101,10001010110010101011,101011110011100111110

%N a(n) is the smallest nonnegative integer whose first n binary digits coincide with its first n decimal digits.

%H Bert Dobbelaere, <a href="/A305213/b305213.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..150</a>

%e 10011 expressed in binary is 10011100011011_2. It is the smallest number for which the first 5 digits coincide, so a(5)=10011.

%o (Python)

%o RDXHI=10

%o RDXLO=2

%o def solvematch(startHi, startLo, digleft, powHi, powLo):

%o global RDXHI, RDXLO

%o if digleft<=0:

%o return startHi

%o if powHi<0 or powLo<0:

%o return None

%o startd = 1 if startHi==0 else 0

%o for d in range(startd, RDXLO):

%o bh=startHi + d * RDXHI**powHi

%o bl=startLo + d * RDXLO**powLo

%o if bh<(bl+RDXLO**powLo) and bl<(bh+RDXHI**powHi):

%o res=solvematch(bh, bl, digleft-1, powHi-1, powLo-1)

%o if res!=None:

%o return res

%o return None

%o def A305213(n):

%o if n<=1:

%o return 0 # Special case: leading and only digit is 0

%o d_hi =n-1

%o sol=None

%o while sol==None:

%o d_lo=d_hi

%o while(RDXLO**d_lo < 2* RDXHI**d_hi):

%o res=solvematch(0, 0, n, d_hi, d_lo)

%o if res!=None:

%o sol = min(sol, res) if sol else res

%o d_lo+=1

%o d_hi+=1

%o return sol

%Y Not a subsequence of A181929 (consider 10010).

%K nonn,base

%O 1,2

%A _Bert Dobbelaere_, May 27 2018