Primes p not of the form k^2+s where k > 1 and 1 <= s < (k+1)^2, such that q = k^4+s is prime.

%I #13 Apr 19 2018 03:06:47

%S 2,3,13,19,73,103,113,131,223,293,313,461,761,863,1013,1069,1171,1223,

%T 2293,2711,2887,2903,4583,5623,6949,7151,7873,8563,8803,12413,13613,

%U 16703,17393,22013,24733,28723

%N Primes p not of the form k^2+s where k > 1 and 1 <= s < (k+1)^2, such that q = k^4+s is prime.

%C No more terms <= 10^8. Is this sequence finite?

%o (PARI) upto(n) = {my(res = List([2, 3]), b); forprime(p = 5, n, b = 0; for(k = ceil(sqrt(p / 2 + 1/4) - 0.5), sqrtint(p-1), if(isprime(k^4 + p - k^2), b = 1; next(1))); if(!b, listput(res, p))); res}

%Y Primes not in A124598.

%K nonn,more

%O 1,1

%A _David A. Corneth_, Apr 08 2018