a(n) is the total area that is visible in the perspective view of the stepped pyramid with n levels described in A245092.
3, 10, 20, 35, 51, 75, 97, 128, 159, 197, 231, 283, 323, 375, 429, 492, 544, 619, 677, 759, 833, 913, 983, 1091, 1172, 1266, 1360, 1472, 1560, 1692, 1786, 1913, 2027, 2149, 2267, 2430, 2542, 2678, 2812, 2982, 3106, 3286, 3416, 3588, 3756, 3920, 4062, 4282, 4437, 4630, 4804, 5006, 5166, 5394, 5576, 5808, 6002
a(n) is also the sum of all divisors of all positive integers <= n, plus the n-th oblong number, since A024916(n) equals the total area of the horizontal terraces of the stepped pyramid with n levels, and A002378(n) equals the total area of the vertical sides that are visible (see link).
a(n) is also the sum of all aliquot divisors of all positive integers <= n, plus the n-th triangular matchstick number.
a(n) = A024916(n) + A002378(n).
a(n) = A153485(n) + A045943(n).
a(n) = A328366(n)/2. - Omar E. Pol, Apr 22 2020
a(n) = c * n^2 + O(n*log(n)), where c = zeta(2)/2 + 1 = A072691 + 1 = 1.822467... . - Amiram Eldar, Mar 21 2024
For n = 3 the areas of the terraces of the first three levels starting from the top of the stepped pyramid are 1, 3 and 4 respectively. On the other hand the areas of the vertical sides that are visible are [1, 1], [2, 2], [2, 1, 1, 2], or in successive levels 2, 4, 6 respectively. Hence the total area that is visible is equal to 1 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 6 = 8 + 12 = 20, so a(3) = 20.
For n = 16 the total number of horizontal and vertical cells that are visible are 220 and 272 respectively. So a(16) = 220 + 272 = 492 (see the link).
Accumulate[Table[DivisorSigma[1, n] + 2*n, {n, 1, 50}]] (* Amiram Eldar, Mar 21 2024 *)
(PARI) a(n) = sum(k=1, n, n\k*k) + n*(n+1); \\ Michel Marcus, Jun 21 2018
from math import isqrt
def A299692(n): return n*(n+1)+(-(s:=isqrt(n))**2*(s+1)+sum((q:=n//k)*((k<<1)+q+1) for k in range(1, s+1))>>1) # Chai Wah Wu, Oct 22 2023
Omar E. Pol, Mar 06 2018