More informally, the parity of the iterate of the sequence at n gives the binary expansion of n (beyond the leading 1).
Apparently, iterating the sequence always leads to one of these three loops:
- the fixed point (1) iff we start from 2^k-1 for some k > 0,
- the fixed point (2) iff we start from 2^k for some k > 0,
- or (5, 6) for any other starting value.
a(n) is even iff n belongs to A004754.
a(n) is odd iff n belongs to A004760.
If a(n) > n then a(n) = A080541(n).
If n < 2^k then a(n) < 2^k.
Rémy Sigrist, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..8192
Rémy Sigrist, PARI program for A294523
a(n) = 1 iff n = A000225(k) for some k > 0.
a(n) = 2 iff n = A000079(k) for some k > 0.
a(n) = 5 iff n = A081254(k) for some k > 2.
a(n) = 6 iff n = A000975(k) for some k > 2.
a(n) = 10 iff n = A081253(k) for some k > 2.
a(n) = 12 iff n = A266613(k) for some k > 3.
a(n) = 13 iff n = A052997(k) for some k > 2.
a(n) = 14 iff n = A266721(k) for some k > 2.
a(n) = 18 iff n = A267045(k) for some k > 3.
a(n) = 54 iff n = A266248(k) for some k > 4.
These formulas come from the fact that each sequence on the right side, say f, eventually satisfies: f(n) = floor(f(n+1)/2), and f(n) and f(n+2) have the same parity.
For n=11:
- the binary representation of 11 is (1,0,1,1),
- a(11) = 14 has parity 0,
- a(14) = 13 has parity 1,
- a(13) = 5 has parity 1,
- we find the binary digits of 11 beyond the initial 1, in order: 0, 1, 1.
See also representations of first terms in Links section.
(PARI) See Links section.
Rémy Sigrist, Nov 01 2017