a(n) is the smallest positive k <> n such that f(k) is divisible by f(n) where f = A005132, or 0 if no such k exists.

%I #36 Oct 20 2017 23:11:40

%S 2,3,8,3,9,35,43,15,20,11,28,7,32,21,83,15,69,26,152,24,116,47,44,20,

%T 48,18,43,59,30,63,20,104,41,71,39,75,72,35,35,36,33,79,92,83,96,87,

%U 100,91,245,95,239,67,276,19,119,63,109,57,103,51,185,45,139,35,145,86,415,84,192,82,184,80,180,78,176

%N a(n) is the smallest positive k <> n such that f(k) is divisible by f(n) where f = A005132, or 0 if no such k exists.

%C Conjecture: a(n) > 0 for all n.

%H Robert Israel, <a href="/A293273/b293273.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%H Rémy Sigrist, <a href="/A293273/a293273.png">Logarithmic scatterplot of the first 100000 terms</a>

%H Rémy Sigrist, <a href="/A293273/a293273_1.png">Scatterplot of the first 100000 terms of the first difference</a>

%e a(6) = 35 because A005132(35) = 78 is divisible by A005132(6) = 13 and 78 is the smallest positive number which is not equal to 6 with this property.

%p N:= 10^4: # to use A005132(n) for n = 1..N

%p S:= {0}:

%p A5132:= Array(0..N):

%p A5132[0]:= 0:

%p for n from 1 to N do

%p v:= A5132[n-1]-n;

%p if v < 0 or member(v,S) then v:= A5132[n-1]+n fi;

%p A5132[n]:= v;

%p S:= S union {v};

%p od:

%p f:= proc(n) local k;

%p for k from 1 to N do

%p if k <> n and A5132[k] mod A5132[n] = 0 then return k fi

%p od:

%p 0

%p end proc:

%p Res:= NULL:

%p for n from 1 do

%p v:= f(n);

%p if v = 0 then break fi;

%p Res:= Res,v;

%p od:

%p Res; # _Robert Israel_, Oct 10 2017

%Y Cf. A005132, A057167.

%K nonn,easy

%O 1,1

%A _Altug Alkan_, Oct 10 2017