Number of nonequivalent ways to place n non attacking rooks on a n X n board up to rotations and reflections with no rook on 2 main diagonals . ============================================================================================================================================== Let a(n) be the number of nonequivalent solutions. Let F(n) = A003471(n) be the number of solutions counting each rotation or reflection separately. Symmetries can be rotational (quarter turn or half turn) or a reflection on a diagonal. For n > 1, a horizontal or vertical line of symmetry is not possible since this would require multiple rooks in the same row or column. Case n odd: Since there are n rooks and n is odd, symmetry would require a rook to be placed in the central square which lies on the two main diagonals. No symmetrical solutions are therefore possible. Symbolically: a(2n+1) = (1/8) * F(2n+1). Case n even: For a 2n X 2n board, let C(n), R(n) and D(n) be the number of solutions with respectively half turn rotational symmetry, quarter turn rotational symmetry and diagonal symmetry on a given diagonal. Then applying Burnside's lemma: a(2n) = (1/8) * ( F(2n) + C(n) + 2*R(n) + 2*D(n) ). It remains then to determine D(n), R(n) and C(n). Permutations: There is a simple bijection between permutations p on [n] and non attacking placements of n rooks on an n X n board. In particular, k is mapped to p(k) if the k'th column has a rook in row p(k). A board without rooks in the main diagonals corresponds to a permutation with p(k) <> k and p(k) <> n - 1 - k. A permutation with p(k) <> k is called a derangement or permutation without fixed points. (see A000166) D(n): number of solutions on a 2n X 2n board invariant under a given diagonal symmetry. Permutations p on [2n] with diagonal symmetry have p(p(k)) = k. These are just involutions. Without p(k) = k these are perfect matchings in the 2n complete graph and without p(k) = 2n - 1 - k these are perfect matchings in the cocktail party graph. These types of permutation are counted by A053871(n). D(n) = A053871(n). R(n): number of solutions on a 2n X 2n board invariant under rotation by 90 degrees. Permutations p on [2n] with rotational symmetry have p(p(k)) = 2n - 1 - k. In general, every rotationally symmetric non attacking placement of 2n rooks cannot have a rook on the main diagonal. (p(k)=k implies k = p(p(k)) = 2n - 1 - k which is not possible and p(2n-1-k)=k implies p(k) = p(p(2n-1-k)) = k which is not possible.) R(n) = A037224(2n). C(n): number of solutions on a 2n X 2n board invariant under rotation by 180 degrees. Permutations p on [2n] with diagonal symmetry have 2n - 1 - p(k) = p(2n - 1 - k). Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 5 6 1 2 4 Every such permutation can be decomposed uniquely into a permutation without fixed points on [n] and a binary word of length n. The permutation is constructed by mapping k to min(p(k), p(2n-1-k)) and the binary word is constructed by mapping k to 0 or 1 depending on whether p(k) or p(2n-1-k) was the least. For example, the above permutation decomposes into: k 1 2 3 permutation 3 2 1 bin word 0 1 1 Conversely, a permutation without fixed points and binary word can be used to uniquely construct a permutation p with the required symmetry and for every k, p(k) <> k and p(k) <> n - 1 - k. The number permutations without fixed points is given by A000166(n) and the number of binary words by 2^n. C(n) = 2^n * A000166(n).