Primes of the form k!14-2, where k!14 is the 14-way factorial number.

%I #4 Jul 13 2017 21:30:06

%S 2,3,5,7,11,13,349,433,1579,10723,14389,71143,4197553,8988043,

%T 674103373,4532949133,26658671803,19959489066463,3929055890920873,

%U 129745350297287814373,2183614737794499920623,699091024202419984779180307753123

%N Primes of the form k!14-2, where k!14 is the 14-way factorial number.

%H Robert Price, <a href="/A289863/b289863.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..36</a>

%H Henri & Renaud Lifchitz, <a href="http://www.primenumbers.net/prptop/searchform.php?form=n14-2&amp;action=Search">PRP Records.Search for n!14-2.</a>

%H Joe McLean, <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20091027034731/http://uk.geocities.com/nassarawa%40btinternet.com/probprim2.htm">Interesting Sources of Probable Primes</a>

%H OpenPFGW Project, <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/openpfgw/">Primality Tester</a>

%t MultiFactorial[n_, k_] := If[n<1, 1, n*MultiFactorial[n-k, k]];

%t Select[Table[MultiFactorial[i, 14] - 2, {i, 3, 100}], PrimeQ[#]&]

%Y Cf. A284190.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Robert Price_, Jul 13 2017