%I #14 Jul 22 2021 23:56:29
%S 650,2442,6184,7167,10900,15227,23783,28542,45577,48809,61299,67297,
%T 78600,82376,90603,95444,108370,117732,127546,157694,171110,171425,
%U 189077,191090,191430,217632,227759,234843,251174,276173,279391,284207,287638,300943,312041
%N Numbers k such that starting with prime(k) 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 consecutive primes sum up to prime numbers.
%C Also, numbers 6184 and 95444 are such that the sum (prime(k)+ ... + prime(k+12)) is a prime.
%H Robert Israel, <a href="/A288142/b288142.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..105</a>
%p P:= select(isprime, [seq(i,i=3..10^7,2)]):
%p M:= Matrix(11,nops(P));
%p nP:= nops(P);
%p M[1,..]:= Vector[row](P):
%p for i from 2 to 11 do
%p M[i, 1..nP+1-i]:= M[i-1,1..nP+1-i] + M[1, i..nP]
%p od:
%p S:= select(t -> isprime(M[3,t]) and isprime(M[5,t]) and isprime(M[7,t])
%p and isprime(M[9,t]) and isprime(M[11,t]), [$1..nP-11]):
%p map(`+`,S,1); # _Robert Israel_, Jun 05 2017
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Zak Seidov_, Jun 05 2017
%E More terms from _Robert Israel_, Jun 05 2017