Least sum s of consecutive prime numbers starting with prime(n) such that s is a perfect square.
100, 961, 36, 14017536, 484, 49, 36, 134689, 354025, 80089, 443556, 121, 47524, 7744, 100, 700569, 344956329, 48841, 5329, 144, 324, 39601, 22801, 8649, 239438955625, 12250000, 197136, 222784, 147456, 319225, 316969, 24649, 576, 2975625, 7396, 21316, 70036245333532859364
Squares that are the sum of 4 consecutive primes: 36, 324, 576, 1764, 2304, 4900, 20736, 63504, 66564, 128164, 142884, 150544, 156816, 183184, 236196, 256036, 260100, 311364, 369664, 414736.
Squares that are the sum of 5 consecutive primes: 961, 1089, 1681, 17689, 18769, 21025, 23409, 45369, 76729, 80089, 97969, 124609, 218089, 235225, 290521, 421201, 434281.
Squares that are the sum of 6 consecutive primes: 3600, 24336, 25600, 47524, 66564, 98596, 129600, 138384, 228484, 236196, 331776, 379456, 404496, 490000, 559504.
Squares that are the sum of 7 consecutive primes: 169, 625, 2209, 10201, 25921, 235225, 342225, 361201, 380689, 383161, 426409, 508369, 531441, 537289, 543169, 564001, 603729.
Note that A007504(m) - A007504(n) ~ m^2 log(m)/2 as m -> infinity. Heuristically this has probability ~ 1/(m sqrt(2 log(m))) of being a square. Since the sum of these probabilities diverges, on the basis of the second Borel-Cantelli lemma we should expect a(n) to exist. Of course, this is not a proof. Moreover, since the sum diverges very slowly, we might expect some very large values of a(n). - Robert Israel, May 18 2017
Sum of set {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23} is 100 = 10^2, sum of set {3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83} is 961=31^2, sum of set {5,7,11,13}=36=6^2.
f:= proc(n) local p, s;
p:= ithprime(n); s:= p;
while not issqr(s) do p:= nextprime(p); s:= s+p od:
end proc:
map(f, [$1..36]); # Robert Israel, May 18 2017
Table[Set[{k, s}, {n, 0}]; While[! IntegerQ@ Sqrt[AddTo[s, Prime@ k]], k++]; s, {n, 36}] (* Michael De Vlieger, May 20 2017 *)
(PARI) a(n) = my(s=0); forprime(p=prime(n), , s=s+p; if(issquare(s), return(s))) \\ Felix Fröhlich, May 25 2017
Cf. A062703 (squares that are the sum of 2 consecutive primes), A080665 (squares that are the sum of 3 consecutive primes), A034707 (numbers that are sums of consecutive primes).
Cf. A007504.
Sequence in context: A233628 A030024 A232657 * A326638 A284515 A068086
Zak Seidov, May 18 2017
Missing a(25) and a(37) from Giovanni Resta, May 18 2017