from copy import copy, deepcopy
import sys
from itertools import combinations as combs
from fractions import Fraction

s = set()	# this holds the 0-based times
s1 = set()	# this holds the intermediate-based times

timelist contains the list of event times for the path we're on
fuselist contains the state of the fuses

Rules for optimization:
    1. Left ends of fuses get lit before or at the same time as the right end.
    2. Don't light the left end of a fuse unless all previous fuses have their left ends lit.
    3. Don't light the right end of a fuse if it will create a fuse with the same state as a previous fuse.
def burn(timelist, fuselist_in): 
    fuselist = deepcopy(fuselist_in) 
    for i in xrange(len(fuselist)-1, -1, -1): 
        if fuselist[i][2] == 0: 
    # Find first unlit left end.
    # This will be the first candidate for lighting.
    for l in xrange(len(fuselist)):
	if not fuselist[l][0]:
	l = len(fuselist)
    # l is index of first unlit left end.
    # Build up possible new left-end lightings.
    # These can be none, the first unlit, the first two unlit, the first three unlit, ...
    leftset = [[]]
    for i in xrange(l, len(fuselist)):
	new = copy(leftset[-1])
    # Process all possible combinations of left-end and right-end lightings.
    for left in leftset:
	# Create possible right-end lightings given the current set of left-end lightings.
	# If the left-end set is empty, then the right-end set is limited to fuses that already have the left end lit.
	# Otherwise, the right-end set may include fuses that are now having their left ends lit.
	if left == []:
	    rightmax = l
	    rightmax = left[-1]+1
	rightset = []
	# Apply rules
	for i in xrange(rightmax):
	    # Make sure right end is not already lit and the fuse isn't burned out.
	    if not fuselist[i][1] and fuselist[i][2] > 0:
		# Apply rule 3 - don't allow duplicate states for fuses after right end is lit
		skip = False
		for j in xrange(i):
		    if fuselist[j] == fuselist[i]:
			skip = True
		if not skip:
	if left == [] and rightset == []:
	    # If there are any ends lit, this must be processed
	    for f in fuselist:
		if (f[0] or f[1]) and f[2] > 0:
	# Light the selected ends using all combinations of valid right ends
	for x in xrange(0, len(rightset)+1):
	    for right in combs(rightset, x):
		fuses = deepcopy(fuselist)
		times = deepcopy(timelist)
		# Mark the ends as lit.
		for l in left:
		    fuses[l][0] = True
		for r in right:
		    fuses[r][1] = True
		# Calculate next event time.
		elapsed = 2**20
		for f in fuses:
		    if f[0]:
			if f[1]:
			    rem = f[2]/2
			    if rem > 0:
				elapsed = min(elapsed, rem)
			    rem = f[2]
			    if rem > 0:
				elapsed = min(elapsed, rem)
		# Make the intervening time elapse.
		if False:
		    for f in fuses:
			if f[2] > 0:
			    if f[0] and not f[1]:
				f[2] -= elapsed
			    elif f[0] and f[1]:
				f[2] -= 2*elapsed
		    for f in xrange(len(fuses)-1, -1, -1):
			if fuses[f][2] > 0:
			    if fuses[f][0] and not fuses[f][1]:
				fuses[f][2] -= elapsed
			    elif fuses[f][0] and fuses[f][1]:
				fuses[f][2] -= 2*elapsed
			    if fuses[f][2] == 0:
		times.append(times[-1] + elapsed)
		# Update the solution sets (0-based and intermediate-based)
		for i in xrange(len(times)-1):
		# If any fuse has some time left, recurse.
                if len(fuses) > 0 and max([f[2] for f in fuses]) > 0:
		    burn(times, fuses)

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print 'need number of ropes'
num = int(sys.argv[1])
if num < 1:
    print 'bad number of ropes'

fuselist = [[False, False, 2**num] for i in xrange(num)]
burn([0], fuselist)

s1 = sorted(list(s1-s))
s = sorted(list(s))
for x in xrange(len(s)):
    s[x] = Fraction(s[x], 2**num)
for x in xrange(len(s1)):
    s1[x] = Fraction(s1[x], 2**num)
print 'zero-based solutions:'
for x in s:
    print '%d/%d ' % (x.numerator, x.denominator),
print 'intermediate-based solutions:'
for x in s1:
    print '%d/%d ' % (x.numerator, x.denominator),

print len(s), '+', len(s1), '=', len(s)+len(s1)